
List of members of the network willing to teach in schools, co-advise and/or be members of thesis committees

Position Full name Institution - Country Willing to teach in a "Summer School"
Course topic, level and number of hours
Willing to co-advise Willing to be in a Thesis Committee
Undergrad Master PhD Undergrad Master PhD
Faculty Alan Garbarz UBA Introduction to AdS3 gravity (graduate, 8hs aprox),
Introduction to QFT in curved spacetimes (undergraduate or graduate, 8hs aprox)
Faculty Alberto Faraggi Universidad Andrés Bello Holographic Wilson Loops, graduate, 5 lectures
Faculty Alejandra Castro University of Amsterdam Happy to discuss with organizers subject, hours and level.
Faculty Angel Giovanni
Ramírez García
Faculty Bruno Carneiro da Cunha UFPE "Geometric Aspects of Black Holes (4h)
Black Holes Perturbations (4h)"
Faculty Carlos Nunez Swansea University, Physics Department Dualities, 5-7 hours course, graduate students and young postdocs.
Faculty Cristobal Corral Universidad Arturo Prat Introduction to Cartan's formalism (4.5 hrs)
Faculty David Berenstein UCSB An introduction to AdS/CFT. (graduate)
Faculty Dionysios Anninos King's College London Graduate
Faculty Dumitru Astefanesei PUCV, Valparaiso Black Holes and AdS-CFT Duality 4-8 hours (graduate and undergraduate)
Faculty Elena Caceres University of Texas at Austin "Introduction to AdS/CFT, graduate (first years), 5 hours.
Geometry, holography and entanglement, graduate, 5 hours"
Faculty Eloy Ayón-Beato Cinvestav "Black Holes, (last years undergraduate-graduate), 4-5 hours. Lifshitz Black Holes, graduate, 4-5 hours."
Faculty Francisco Rojas Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez "Celestial Amplitudes (graduate, 10 hours);
Scattering amplitudes for particles and strings (graduate, 10 hours)."
Faculty Gianni Tallarita Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez Solitons, graduate and/or undergraduate. 8 hours.
Faculty Guillermo Silva IFLP, La Plata, Argentina "AdS/CFT, Large N & Matrix Theory, CFT, String Theory, Supersymmetry 5-10 Lectures (graduate level)
QFT, Electromagnetism, Group Theory, General Relativity, QM 5-10 Lectures (undergraduate/graduate level) "
Faculty Ignacio Salazar Landea IFLP, La Plata, Argentina
Faculty Mariano Chernicoff Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM "QFT (graduate), Holography (graduate),
Intro to string theory (graduate). "
Faculty Martin Schvellinger IFLP, La Plata, Argentina I'm currently teaching the following three postgraduate courses: QFT (64hs), String theory (64 hs), and AdS/CFT duality (64 hs), at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. In the second semester of 2020 I'll teach AdS/CFT duality, Friday's afternoons, 64 hs total, via Skype. I can also deliver shorter versions of these courses in summer schools.
Faculty Matías Leoni CONICET & Universidad de Buenos Aires Introduction to Feynman Integral Calculus, 8-10hs, graduate
Faculty Nicolás Grandi IFLP, La Plata, Argentina Holography in metallic systems (graduate level, 3 to 6 hours)
Faculty Raul Arias IFLP, La Plata, Argentina "Modular Hamiltonian and its uses. Graduate level.
Quantum information in Quantum field theory and Holography. In principle for a graduate level. "
Faculty Ricardo Troncoso Centro de Estudios Cientificos (CECs)
Faculty Victor O. Rivelles Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Física
Faculty Walter Tangarife Loyola University Chicago "Black holes (upper-level undergraduate, 5-6 hrs),
Intro to AdS/CFT and entanglement entropy (upper-level undergraduate/first yr graduate, 5-6 hrs),
QFT (upper-level undergraduate, 6 hrs)"
Postdoc Gustavo Alfredo
Arciniega Durán
FES-Aragón For an advanced school, I can give "The gravity of having higher-order curvature invariants". Level and hours can be adjusted to the school's needs. Of course, I can give a more standard or introductory course.
Postdoc Ignacio A. Reyes Albert Einstein Institute (Max Planck Institute), Potsdam
Postdoc Ignacio Jesús
Araya Quezada
Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB) Entanglement Entropy from Holography, graduate, 4 hours
Postdoc Miguel Ángel
Martin Contreras
Universidad de Valparaíso Hadrons in Bottom-up AdS/QCD models. Postgraduate students. 10 h.
Postdoc Pablo Bueno Centro Atómico Bariloche "Entanglement in quantum field theory (both levels, adjustable number of hours and specific topics);
Higher-curvature gravities and black holes (both levels, adjustable number of hours and specific topics);
Complexity in quantum field theory (graduate level, adjustable number of hours)"
Postdoc Thiago Rocha Araujo University of Bern "Classical and Quantum Integrability in Gauge Theories (graduate, 3 hours);
CFTs in strings and statistical physics (graduate, 4 hours)"
Postdoc Tomas Andrade University of Barcelona "Numerical Methods for Holography", graduate level, 10 hours (5hr lectures + 5hr hands on)