
The Siembra-HoLAGrav Bestiary is the list of all Siembra-HoLAGrav network members: 141 professors and postdocs from Latin America (or from any nationality working in Latin America) who do research in holography and gravity. In this presentation of the network (ICTP-SAIFR, Sao Paulo, 2018), you will find detailed criteria and disclaimers regarding the Siembra-HoLAGrav Bestiary, as well as a breakdown of the numbers by country, gender and other interesting measures. If you are currently included in the HoLAGrav bestiary and prefer not to be in the list, please email and we will remove your name.

The map below shows the cities where the professors in the network live and work. (We do not attempt to keep track of postdocs in the map because by definition they are a floating population.)